The Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG), established in the year 1997, is a non-profit scientific organisation and publishes a quartely journal ‘Journal of Applied Geochemistry’ (JAG) during January and July in a year. The society also organizes National and International symposia on the subjects relevant to geochemistry and brings out special volumes. Recently, with liberal contributions from a few donors, the Society has instituted the following six medals to be awarded each year at the time of the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of ISAG.

1.  1. Prof. J.S.R. Krishna Rao - Dr. R. Dhana Raju medal for the Best paper published in the Journal of the Applied Geochemistry in the year before the year of AGM instituted in 2005 by Dr. R. Dhana Raju in honour of his teacher Prof. J.S.R. Krishna Rao.

Prof. J.S.R. Krishna Rao, Former Professor and Head of the Department of Geology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam is a renowned Economic Geologist, well known for his contributions on the Manganese Ores of India, in general and Andhra Pradesh, in particular, published in many leading International and National Journals. Besides, he was a Research Guide of Dr. R. Dhana Raju for Ph.D. in Geology (1970) of the Andhra University and Dr. Dhana Raju was his first Ph.D. student. As a mark of respect and gratitude to Prof. Krishna Rao, Dr. Dhana Raju instituted the above medal.

2.  2. Smt. Ketharaju Venkata Subbamma - Sri Subba Rao (late) medal instituted in 2005 by Prof. K. Surya Prakash Rao in memory of his parents for Best contribution in the field of Geochemistry applied to mineral resources during last ten years before the year of AGM.

Smt. Ketharaju Venkata Subbamma - Sri Subba Rao an agricultural family resided in a remote village in a reserved forest. They were like guardians to the village. They not only looked after their large family but did selfless service to their village. During the Razakar movement they provided shelter to the innocent villagers at the risk of their life. They have not discriminated the people by caste or religion and promoted communal harmony in their own humble way. They are not only responsible for the physical existence of Prof. Rao but also his spiritual out-look of life. The medal is instituted as a mark of his love and gratitude to his parents. This is a small way to remember their souls.

3.  3. Smt. Manthripragada Sita Devi - Sri Rama Rao (late) medal instituted in 2005 by Prof. K. Surya Prakash Rao in memory of his in-laws for Best contribution in the field of Analytical Geochemistry during last ten years before the year of AGM.

Smt. Manthripragada Sita Devi - Sri Rama Rao were a divine couple like Sri Rama and Sita. They gave six expert citizens from medicine to Army and to the society who occupied high positions in their super-specialty fields in life including Bangladesh and Pakistan wars. They silently helped many poor students for their higher education. Sri Rama Rao occupied the top position in the Central Government. They have gifted their most precious daughter Dr. K. Sarojini Devi as life partner to Prof. K. Surya Prakash Rao. She retired as a Director of Medical Education (DME), Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. The medal is instituted as a mark of love and affection to his in-laws.

4.  Dr. G.R. Udas - Dr. K.K. Dwivedy medal instituted in 2006 for the Best research paper published in the field of Radioactive Minerals during last ten years before the year of AGM instituted by Dr. K.K. Dwivedy in memory of Dr. G.R. Udas.

This medal has been instituted by Dr. K.K. Dwivedy, retired Director, Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD), Hyderabad in memory of (Late) Dr. G.R. Udas. Dr. Gajanan Raja Ram Udas was born on 28-03-1921. He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Geology from Mumbai University. The subject for his Ph.D. thesis was “The Carbonatite and alkaline rocks of Ambadongar”.

Dr. G.R. Udas was the supervisor for Ph.D. of Dr. K.K. Dwivedy, the president of ISAG.

He started his career as a Mining Engineer in Chitral Mining Corporation, now in Pakistan. He joined the Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD) of the Department of Atomic Energy in October 1950 and worked in various capacities before becoming its Director in March 1974. In the Uranium exploration field, his work at the Jaduguda, Bodal and other areas of Singhbhum are well known. He had published a number of papers on Synititisation, Fluoride deposits, Isotopic studies on alkaline rocks and rare earth extraction from carbonatite rocks.

He had his training on sandstone type uranium deposits of the United States of America under USGS. He laid keen emphasis on research and publication of data. He guided research on carbonatite and geochemistry of Uranium, Niobium, and Tantalum. After his retirement, he joined North-East Hill University as Professor and Head of Department of Geology for a limited tenure.

He was a dynamic administrator, social activist and research guide. AMD Headquarters building at Hyderabad bears testimony to his foresight. Dr. Udas breathed his last in Pune on 18-01-1995.

5.   Dr. Sudarshan Pani – Dr. Rama Dwivedy medal instituted in 2013 by Dr. Rama Dwivedy in honour of her father for Best contributions in the field of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry during last ten years before the year of AGM.

Dr. Sudharshan Pani was a medical practitioner, social activist and environmentalist who stressed the importance of safe drinking water for good health. With interest in Hydrogeology, Dr. Rama Dwivedy instituted a medal in the honour of her father Dr. Sudarshan Pani as a mark of love and affection for the major contribution in the field of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry as Dr. Sudarashan Pani – Dr. Rama Dwivedy medal.

6.   Life Time Achievement Award: Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG) instituted in 2011 the Life time Achievement Award to honour eminent earth scientists during Annual General Body Meetings (AGMs). Earth Scientists are eligible to apply directly with supporting documents or the society may also select before the AGMs.

The Indian Society of Applied Geochemists requests all the members to widely publicize about these Awards and bring it to the notice of scientists working in their respective organizations. They are also requested to nominate suitable candidates (with supporting documental evidence) to these medals for consideration by the Awards Committee.

Duly-filled proforma should reach the Secretary, ISAG on or before Thirty First August of each year to enable the Committee to make the selection.

K. Surya Prakash Rao
                                                                                              Hon. Secretary